The year 2024 has been very special for South superstar Allu Arjun. Allu Arjun's film 'Pushpa-2' made a lot of headlines and became the highest grossing film of the year. But the screening of the film was held at Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad on the evening before its release. Here a woman died and a child was injured in the stampede. After this, this controversy heated up and after the arrest of Allu Arjun, this issue was also heard in the Telangana Assembly on Saturday. After the debate in the Assembly, now Allu Arjun has also given clarification regarding this matter. Allu Arjun held a press conference on Saturday evening. In which he has described the Sandhya Theater accident as an accident.
What did Allu Arjun say?
Allu Arjun has described the death of the woman and the injury of the child as just an accident. Allu Arjun said during the press conference, 'I am deeply hurt by what happened to his family. I am checking the child's health every few hours. There is no objection from any department or government. A lot of wrong things are being said about me, character assassination is being done. You all have been watching me for the last 20 years, my personality is not like this. Since then I am not able to go to any fiction or family or any function after the film becomes a hit. I am also feeling very bad. The police was clearing there so I thought the police was handling everything. I came out of the car only a few meters from the theatre, the car was not going ahead, so as usually happens, when an actor waves his hand, the fans move ahead after seeing a glimpse. I did not find any police there, no one gave any news that there was a stampede. If that were the case then I myself would have left such a place with my family. I too do not live in such a place regarding my children, just like any father does.
What is the whole matter?
Actually, Allu Arjun's film 'Pushpa-2' was going to be released in theaters on December 5. Earlier on the evening of 4th December, the premiere of this film was held at Sandhya Theatre, Hyderabad. A large number of fans gathered here and Allu Arjun also arrived. But here a woman died during the stampede. After which the police registered a case against the theater owner and Allu Arjun. Allu Arjun was also arrested by the police recently. After which he was granted bail from the High Court. Now on Saturday, there was a lot of uproar in the Telangana Assembly regarding this matter. During the proceedings of Telangana Assembly, MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi alleged that when Allu Arjun was informed about the stampede and the death of the woman, he said, 'Now the film will be a hit'. At the same time, CM Revanth Reddy also said that the hero (Allu Arjun) was negligent and despite being informed about the death, he did not go out of the theater. He said that the victim's family earns ₹30000 per month, but spends ₹3000 per ticket, just because the son is a fan of Allu Arjun.
Image Credit: India_Tv.