Allu Arjun's troubles are increasing day by day in the case of stampede that broke out at Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad during the screening of 'Pushpa-2' on 4th December. On Monday itself, summons was issued by the police to the South Superstar for questioning in the stampede case. A notice was issued to appear before the police on Tuesday as part of the ongoing investigation into the death of a woman and injuries to her child in the stampede at Sandhya theatre. Now the actor reached Chikkadpally police station in Hyderabad for questioning. Meanwhile, some videos of Allu Arjun before leaving for Chikkadapalli station have also surfaced, in which he is seen with his wife Sneha Reddy and daughter Arha.
Allu Arjun reached the police station
In the video, Allu Arjun was seen holding wife Sneha Reddy's hand before leaving for the police station. After talking to his wife for some time, he hugs her, places his hand on her back and meanwhile his daughter Arha also comes out. Before leaving, Allu Arjun was seen caressing his daughter. Allu touches the daughter's cheek and then sits in the car and leaves for the police station. The actor has reached the police station and now his interrogation in the stampede case has also started.
After meeting wife and daughter, left for police station
Some time back, news agency ANI had shared a video of the superstar on its X (formerly Twitter) handle in which Allu Arjun was seen leaving for Chikkadpally police station. In the videos, he can be seen with his wife Sneha and daughter Arha. These days, Allu Arjun is facing legal trouble in the case of death of a woman in the stampede during the premiere of Pushpa 2.
Allu Arjun stuck in legal troubles
Let us tell you, during the stampede at Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad on December 4, a 35-year-old woman died and her eight-year-old son was injured, who has been admitted to the hospital. Doctors have declared the child brain dead. The summons to Allu Arjun to appear before the police station comes a day after Police Commissioner CV Anand released a video showing the sequence of events at the theatre.
Image Credit: India_Tv.