Everyone's eyes were on Akshay Kumar-Vir Pahadia starrer Sky Force and it seems that the film is standing on expectations. According to industry tracker Caikanilk, the film earned 21.50 crores on the second day, which has made its total collection to around 33.75 crores. Earlier, the film, which is on India's first airstrike during the 1965 Indo-Pakistan War, has made a place in the hearts of the audience eager to see this historical story on the big screen. According to Sacnilk.com, the film earned an additional Rs 3.63 crore from the 2D Hindi show and Rs 14 lakh from the IMAX 2D screening. With the sale of about 160,740 tickets in advance booking, the total collection of the first day is estimated to be Rs 3.77 crore. Keeping in mind other seats, the total amount can increase to Rs 5.42 crore. Sky Force Wing Commander K.O., based on the background of one of India's decisive military moments. Is the story of
Ahuja is played by Akshay and T. Vijaya is played by debutant Veer Pahadia. The film celebrates the bravery of the Indian Air Force during the war, which not only changed its path but also confirmed its place in history. The film also stars Sara Ali Khan, Nimrat Kaur and Sharad Kelkar in important roles. According to reports, Sky Force combines high-octane action with tribute to the courage and respect of Indian airmen. Prior to release, Akshay shared his enthusiasm by posting his photo as a respected Air Force officer on Instagram. He wrote, 'I have been a part of more than 150 films, but' based on the true story 'is somewhat powerful in words. And it is nothing short of incredible to step into the uniform of the Air Force officer. He encouraged fans to see untold story on the big screen, saying, 'Sky force is an untold story of honor, courage and patriotism that should be shared. See it in theaters from tomorrow.
Will the fate of Veer Pahadia shine?
Please tell that Veer Pahadia has started his career with this film. Veer's acting in the film has also been highly praised. Now the film has started giving good news to the makers at the box office as well. If this film is successful at the box office, then Veer Pahadia is getting a chance to make its place in Bollywood from the debut film. Now it has to be seen how much the film earns on Sunday. Today is Republic Day, on this occasion, the makers expect a good collection at the box office from the film. The film also shows patriotism and army spirit. Now it has to be seen how lucky Sunday proves to be for the film.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.