Along with South Superstar Ajit Kumar and Nandamuri Balakrishna, seven celebrities have been awarded the Padma Bhushan Award. At the same time, famous singer Pankaj Udhas and late Sharda Sinha have also been given the Padma Bhushan Samman. The Government of India has announced the names of some veteran celebrities for the country's highest civilian honor Padma Award 2025 on Saturday, 25 January on the eve of Republic Day. Apart from Ajit Kumar, Nandamuri Balakrishna, the name of Sharda Sinha has also been included in this list. At the same time, 19 celebrities including Pankaj Udhas and Sushil Modi have been given the Padma Bhushan. Apart from these, 113 celebrities will be awarded the Padma Shri this time.
Ajit Kumar, Nandamuri Balakrishna will get Padma Bhushan
South film industry veteran actors Nandamuri Balakrishna and Ajit Kumar have been announced to honor the Padma Bhushan for their contribution to the art category. Anant Nag, Jatin Goswami, late singer Pankaj Udhas, Shekhar Kapoor and Shobhana Chandrakumar will be awarded the Padma Bhushan Awards. The name of famous singer Arijit Singh is also included in this list. A total of 139 celebrities have been awarded the Padma Awards this year, out of which seven have been awarded Padma Vibhushan, 19 people Padma Bhushan and 113 people have been awarded the Padma Shri Award. Apart from this, India's Vianest Laxminarayan Subrahmanyam and Kathak dancer and choreographer Kumudani Laxmikant Lakhia will also be honored.
19 celebrities will be honored with Padma Bhushan
-A Sun Prakash (Literature and Education – Journalism)
-Anant Nag (Art)
-Bibek Debroy (posthumously) literature and education
-Jatin Goswami (Art)
-Jos Chacko Periappuram (Medicine)
-Kailash Nath Dixit (other – Archaeological)
-Manohar Joshi (posthumously) public affairs
-Niti Kuppuswamy Chetty
-Nandamuri Balakrishna (Art)
-PR Sreejesh (Sports)
-Pankaj Patel (Trade and Industry)
-Pankaj Udhas (posthumously) art
-Rambahadur Rai (Literature and Education Journalism)
-Sadhvi Ritambhara (Social Work)
-S Ajit Kumar (Art)
-Shekhar Kapoor (Art)
-Sushil Kumar Modi (posterior) public affairs
-Vinod Dham (Science and Engineering)
bollywood news
Image Credit: India_Tv.