Many starkids of the Kapoor family have become Bollywood superstars today. After Ranbir Kapoor, now another darling of the Kapoor family is going to start his OTT journey soon. This star is none other than Shashi Kapoor's grandson Jahaan Kapoor. Jahan Kapoor will soon be seen in Netflix's series 'Black Warrant'. Director Vikramaditya Motwani is making this series. Who has previously made popular films and series like Sacred Games and Ctrl. Now Vikramaditya Motwani is going to come in front of the audience with a jail story. The teaser of 'Black Warrant' has been released on Thursday. This series will be released on January 10. Shashi Kapoor's grandson Jahaan Kapoor is seen in an important role in the series.
What will be the story of the series?
The teaser of the series has been released by Netflix on Thursday. Glimpses of the story of the series can also be seen in this teaser. The story is about the most dangerous prison in Asia. Where there is a gathering of dreaded criminals. A new police officer is posted here. From action to drama and powerful stories, new angles can be seen in this jail. Series director Vikramaditya Motwane is known for the variety of his stories. In his career, Vikramaditya has won the hearts of the audience with many stories like Udaan, Lootera, Thappad, Bhavesh Joshi, Sacred Games, AK vs AK, Jubilee and Ctrl. Now once again Vikramaditya Motwani is making a comeback with a bang. Now it remains to be seen how much the audience likes his new project.
Who is Jahaan Kapoor?
The Kapoor family of Bollywood recently celebrated the 100th birth anniversary of Raj Kapoor. Raj Kapoor's brother Shashi Kapoor married English actress Jennifer Kendall. Both of them had a son, Kunal Kapoor. Kunal Kapoor married Sheena Sippy and had 2 children. The son was named Jahaan Kapoor and the daughter was named Shayra Laura Kapoor. Jahan Kapoor is the grandson of veteran Bollywood director, actor and producer Shashi Kapoor. Jahan Kapoor, born on 11 March 1992, had earlier worked in the film 'Faraz' in 2022. This film was directed by Hansal Mehta.
Image Credit: India_Tv.