Tamil superstar Vijay Sethupathi and Bollywood director Anurag Kashyap starrer film 'Maharaja' received a lot of praise in India. Now this film has done wonders in China also. After Aamir Khan starrer film 'Dangal', the craze for 'Maharaja' is being seen here. It has been 18 days since the release of this film in China and till now it has earned more than Rs 83 crore. After Dangal, this has become the second Indian film whose craze is being seen in China. The suspense of this film also blows people's minds.
The film's collection reached near 200 crores
The film Maharaja hit the theaters on June 14. Made in Tamil language, this film was directed by South director Nithilan Swaminathan. South's superhit actor Vijay Sethupathi and Bollywood's dashing director Anurag Kashyap were seen in lead roles in the film. The story of the film was a suspense thriller. Vijay Sethupathi's character was positive and Anurag Kashyap's character was negative. Neither the glamor of the heroine nor the expensive shooting locations were seen in the film. Still, the story of this film had turned people's minds. The film had collected more than Rs 50 crore in India itself. People liked this film made with a budget of only Rs 20 crores. The film had earned Rs 100 crore worldwide. Now a collection of Rs 85 crore has been done in China. The total collection of the film has crossed Rs 185 crore. Soon it is expected that it will also collect Rs 200 crores.
Craze for the second Indian film after Dangal
Let us tell you that Indian films are marketed all over the world. Along with India, Indian films are widely watched in China, Japan, America and Europe. But only a few Indian films have been able to establish their dominance in terms of earnings in China. Earlier, Aamir Khan's film Dangal had earned huge money in China. Now the success of the film Maharaja is being seen in China.
Image Credit: India_Tv.