BR Chopra's 'Mahabharata' made a special place in everyone's heart. Every actor who worked in this mythological serial got great and very special recognition from this show. Every character of 'Mahabharata' was very much liked. In this show, Goga Kapoor was seen in the role of Kansa, whose real name is Ravindra Kapoor. Playing the role of Kansa in Mahabharata was very difficult for Goga Kapoor. Goga Kapoor is counted among the dreaded villains of the industry, who played villainous characters in many films.
Worked in more than 120 films
Goga worked in many films in the industry. And he was seen in the role of villain in almost all the films. In his film career, he has worked in more than 120 films. In most of the films, he was seen in the role of villain or gangster, but the role of Kansa played in Mahabharata changed his entire image.
Debut in 1971
Goga played many great characters in his career, but his real identity came as a villain. He started his career with the film Jwala which was released in the year 1971. After this film, he did many films like Toofan, Khoon Pasina, Ghata, Mr. Natwarlal, Betaab, Agneepath, Hatimtai, Sholay Aur Toofan, Shaktimaan, Refugee, Dostana, Shaan, Yaarana, Zanjeer, Yaadon Ki Baaraat, Hera Pheri, Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak. Played roles in many great films like Laawaris, Satte Pe Satta, Chandramukhi, Coolie, Hindustan Ki Kasam, Run and Shakti.
A role in 'Mahabharat' changed the image
When Goga played the role of Kansa in BR Chopra's 'Mahabharata', this serial gave him a lot of popularity. But after doing this role, his entire image changed. After this role, people started disliking him in real life. People started thinking of him as Kansa and started calling him a sinner, a tyrant, a tyrant. Goga told in an interview, people stop him and ask why did you commit such atrocities with your sister (Devaki)?
Also played roles like dacoit Shaitan Singh
Although Goga played the role of villain in many films in his career, he played many roles ranging from Don to Dinkar Rao and dacoit Shaitan Singh. And the audience liked him very much, he also worked in many serials in his career. He played the role of Kansa in Mahabharata and Ravana in Jai Veer Hanuman, but even today the audience has not been able to forget him in the role of Kansa.
Image Credit: India_Tv.