Archana Puran Singh shared a new Vlogue on her YouTube channel, in which her fans were surprised after seeing her condition. In this Vlog, Archana Puran Singh appeared in the bed of the hospital and told about her painful injury. Archana slipped during the shooting of a film with veteran actress Bollywood actor Rajkumar Rao and her wrist broke. He also suffered injuries on his face after falling. She was rushed to the hospital, where she recovered after a few days and now she has come back to her house.
Archana's son became emotional on mother's injury
She said in the video that she called Rajkumar and apologized for the delay in production and said that she would return to work as soon as possible, as she did not want to have more trouble. The Vlog started with the actual footage of the fall of Archana and injured in the morning. Crew members immediately gathered around him and took him to the hospital. Her husband Parmeet Sethi was informed. His sons recorded a video of their response to the news. During this time, his son became emotional after seeing the mother's condition and started crying.
Parmeet jokes
Archana said that on the first day she did not allow her sons to make her video because she was very shivering, but later she agreed to recording. Parmeet jokingly said, 'She is making a lot of noise. This means that he is fine now. ' In Vlog, Archana praised the view of Mumbai outside the hospital room and said that she was so impressed that she could live here for a long time, but she could not do so, as Archana's work was incomplete.
Archana will soon return to shooting
Archana further said, “I called Rajkummar Rao and told him that I am very upset to leave the shooting, so today I am returning to Virar to complete the shoot, because those poor people will have to have extra. . I have dressed with full sleeves and they will not tell me that I am injured that they are needed for a few hours. “
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Image Credit: India_Tv.