Aamir Khan has seen a lot from his fans acting to dance. But Aamir Khan has never heard of singing songs. Now Aamir Khan has also fulfilled this desire of his fans. Aamir Khan has been seen singing the song 'Pahla Nasha' in front of the guests at his home. This video of Aamir Khan is also going viral on social media. In this video, Aamir Khan is seen humming the first intoxication in front of the guests gathered at his house. In fact, Aamir Khan recently attended the premiere of Eli Avram's first Marathi film 'Ilu Ilu 1998'. After the screening of this film, Aamir Khan invited the actors of the film to meet together. People present at the superstar's house have shared several videos of the ceremony on Wednesday night. In a video, Ilu Ilu 1998 team is shown singing the song 'Pahla Nasha' from his 1992 film 'Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar' with Aamir Khan.
Actor Gaurav shared video
Actor Gaurav Kalushte shared a video of last night at Aamir Khan's residence on his Instagram stories. Sharing this video, Gaurav wrote, 'Aamir Khan sir, thank you for welcoming our house!' He wrote with a video in which Aamir is shown singing 'first intoxication' along with others. Superstars were surrounded by artists of 'Ilu Ilu 1998' at their home. While a pianoist was playing the piano and Aamir Khan, this video will definitely bring back old memories among fans.
Aamir Khan will be seen in the star land
Please tell that Aamir Khan has been missing from the big screen for a long time. Aamir Khan took a break from acting due to his films being a flop. During this, Aamir Khan spent a lot of time with his family. Aamir Khan also participated in the wedding of his daughter Aira Khan. Also promoted his son Junaid Khan's film. Now Aamir Khan is going to be seen on the big screen this year. Aamir Khan's film star is set for release in December. Aamir Khan is going to be seen playing an important role in this film.
bollywood news
Image Credit: India_Tv.