At the trailer launch of Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan and Sridevi and Boney Kapoor's daughter Khushi Kapoor's film 'Loveyapa' in Mumbai, superstar Aamir Khan revealed that he has given up his long-standing bad habit of smoking. The actor told that he enjoyed smoking cigarettes and pipes a lot. Talking about smoking for the first time, Aamir Khan said, 'It was something that I liked very much. Tobacco is something that I enjoy consuming. Well it is not good for health. I am happy that I gave up this bad habit.
Aamir Khan quit smoking and tobacco
Speaking openly, Aamir Khan said, 'Smoking is something that I like very much, I enjoy it. I had been smoking cigarettes for so many years, now I smoke a pipe. Tobacco is something I enjoy; This is not good for health and no one should do this. I am happy that I have given up this bad habit, the reason for this is really special.
Check out the video here:
Aamir Khan quit smoking for this reason
Furthermore, Aamir told that taking this decision proved to be right for him as he had decided to give up his old habit for the sake of his son Junaid who is starting his career in films. Bollywood's Mr. Perfectionist said, 'I made a vow in my heart, this should not happen, I am quitting smoking from my side, as a father… I will give up and I hope that the universe will take good care of it. You will get results.
Khushi-Junaid's love affair ready to make a splash
Junaid Khan's 'Loveyapa' is directed by Advait Chandan, who is also the director of Aamir Khan's 'Laal Singh Chaddha'. It is produced by Phantom Studios and AGS Entertainment. 'Loveyapa' also stars Ashutosh Rana, Grusha Kapoor, Tanvika Parlikar and Kiku Sharda. The film is scheduled to release on February 7, 2025. This film will be the first theatrical release of Junaid and Khushi. Before this, Junaid made his OTT debut with 'Maharaj' and Khushi with 'The Archies'.
Image Credit: India_Tv.