The stars of the film world celebrated the New Year with great pomp and shared its pictures with fans. Ranbir Kapoor's mother Neetu Kapoor also shared a photo of the New Year celebration with fans. But Neetu made a mistake in this photo. The cigarette box kept on the table along with the photo was also captured in this photo. Now this photo is going viral on social media. As soon as the photo went viral, fans started trolling Neetu Kapoor and Alia Bhatt's mother Soni Razdan. Not only this, the fans even said that Raha should be kept away from grandmother.
People trolled badly
As soon as this photo went viral, fans also started giving their reactions on social media. Some people have seriously criticized it. So some people have also come to the rescue. One social media user wrote, 'You don't like this kind of work.' While some people called it the personal choice of Neetu Kapoor and Soni Razdan. Let us tell you that even before this, Bollywood stars have had to be trolled over cigarettes. Neetu Kapoor's darling Ranbir Kapoor has also not been able to escape this criticism.
Ranbir Kapoor also faced trolling
Let us tell you that in the year 2018, Ranbir Kapoor was also trolled badly for smoking. A photo of Ranbir went viral on social media. In this photo, Ranbir Kapoor was seen smoking a cigarette with Pakistani actress Mahira Khan. There was a lot of uproar after this photo went viral. People also chastised Ranbir for smoking in the open. Now Ranbir's mother Neetu Kapoor and Alia Bhatt's mother Soni Razdan are also facing trolling.
Image Credit: India_Tv.