Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor and Rahul Modi have been the talk of the town for quite some time now, ever since they were seen leaving for an Ambani family event together last year. Although both of them have not yet revealed anything about their relationship, but recently a picture of her special someone has been seen on Shraddha Kapoor's phone wallpaper. Yes, but this photo is not of the actress's father Shakti Kapoor and mother Shivangi Kolhapure but of her boyfriend. The box office queen of 2024 is now in the headlines for her love life.
This special person seen in Shraddha Kapoor's phone wallpaper
Recently, Rahul Modi's picture was seen on Shraddha Kapoor's phone wallpaper. The 'Stree' actress was spotted in Mumbai. As she was walking towards her car, the paparazzi captured the picture on her phone's wallpaper, which was a lovely picture of her with Rahul. In the picture, Rahul is hugging Shraddha from behind. Last month, Shraddha shared the picture of her Vada Pav date and tagged Rahul, after which everyone's attention is towards this couple. Along with the photo, she wrote, 'I will always tell you to eat vada pav @modirahulmodi.' After seeing this picture, fans were shocked whether Shraddha and Rahul had reconciled after their breakup or whether they had never separated. Actually, a few months before this date, news had gone viral that both of them had broken up.
See video-picture here:
Shraddha Kapoor-Rahul Modi Relationship Status
In August, during the promotion of 'Stree 2', Shraddha unfollowed Rahul on Instagram. Not only this, her family members also unfollowed the actress and this gave rise to breakup rumours. However, she remained silent about her relationship status. In June 2024, Shraddha shocked her fans when she posted a late-night selfie with Rahul, along with an emotional caption. He had written with his picture, 'Keep your heart, give back your sleep, friend.' Not only this, she was also in the news many times because of the 'R' pendant around her neck.
Shraddha-Rahul meeting
Shraddha and Rahul met on the sets of the 2023 film 'Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar'. They were also seen together at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's Jamnagar pre-wedding party. Meanwhile, on the work front, Shraddha worked with Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Abhishek Banerjee, Aparshakti Khurana in one of the highest-grossing films of 2024, 'Stree 2'.
Image Credit: India_Tv.