Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been in the news for a long time. He came into limelight after the attack on the actor. On the night of January 16, an intruder attacked the actor multiple times with a knife. After this he was admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai and after spending 5 days in the hospital, he was discharged on Tuesday. The actor is currently staying at his Bandra home Satguru Sharan Apartment, where the incident took place. The security of this house has been increased a lot. Meanwhile, Saif Ali Khan's net worth has also come into discussion. This happened when the possibility of his ancestral property being taken over by the government was raised.
Saif Ali Khan's ancestral property
Madhya Pradesh High Court has lifted the freeze on ancestral properties under the Enemy Property Act 1968, which may also affect the property worth Rs 15,000 crore of Saif Ali Khan (Pataudi) family in Bhopal. According to ANI, Bhopal Collector Kaushalendra Vikram Singh said, 'I am aware that the High Court has passed the order. I have not received the order yet. Whatever order is given, we will follow it.
Saif Ali Khan's net worth
According to many media reports, Saif's estimated net worth is said to be Rs 1200 crore. On the other hand, his wife and Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan has a net worth of Rs 485 crore. Saif reportedly earns Rs 10 to 15 crore for each film. He also earns Rs 1 to 5 crore from brand endorsements.
Pataudi Palace is owned by Saif Ali Khan
Pataudi Palace, located in Gurugram, Haryana, is Saif's ancestral home, which forms a major part of his wealth. The value of this property is approximately Rs 800 crore. The 150-room mansion, also known as 'Ibrahim Kothi', is spread over an area of more than 10 acres. Saif also has two flats in Bandra, Mumbai. According to media reports, the actor owns a variety of high-end vehicles, which include Range Rover Vogue, Mercedes-Benz S-Class (S450), Audi R8, Land Rover Defender, Ford Mustang GT and Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk.
Image Credit: India_Tv.