Telugu actor Nandamuri Balakrishna's film 'Daku Maharaj' was released in theaters on January 12. Bobby Deol, Urvashi Rautela and Dulquer Salmaan were also seen in this film. The film is doing well on the big screen. The film made huge profits on the first day itself. On the first day itself, the film crossed the worldwide earning mark of Rs 40 crore. The stars seen in this film are getting a lot of love from the people, meanwhile the song 'Dabidi Dabidi' of the film is also popular. From memes to many reels are being made on this song. Nandamuri was seen doing amazing dance of Balakrishna with Urvashi in the song. Now recently another video of both of them has surfaced in which both of them are dancing on the same song, but the actress is embarrassed by Nandamuri's dance moves.
People are criticizing after watching the video
Nandamuri Balakrishna and Urvashi Rautela danced on the song 'Dabidi Dabidi' at the success party of the film. During this, Urvashi was seen in metallic rose gold saree. The actor had paired the blue coat with denim. The dance of both of them, which started in romantic style, suddenly turned into awkward moves. Nandamuri Balakrishna started doing strange steps, due to which even Urvashi seemed a little uncomfortable. Urvashi Raute herself has posted this video on her Instagram handle and after watching it, people are criticizing the actor a lot. People say that even after the actress felt uncomfortable, the actor could not control his actions.
Watch video here
Video made at a party
While sharing the video on Instagram, Urvashi Rautela wrote, 'Daku Maharaj rocked the box office and captured Sankranti with a blockbuster blockbuster. Biggest opening for NBK. Our film Daku Maharaj and 'Dabidi Dabidi' super success bash. I am grateful to all of you. In this video made during the party, Nandamuri Balakrishna is repeatedly jerking the actress. She is also seen staggering in between. His expressions are also changing. After this the actor starts hitting her on her waist and stomach and she steps back. She seems to avoid this situation by smiling.
people's reaction
Now after seeing this video, a user wrote, 'She is looking uncomfortable.' Another person wrote, 'She looks uncomfortable but there is no other option.' One user reprimanded and wrote, 'What a vulgar act, what kind of dance this is.' One user wrote, 'Urvashi is much younger than you. Don't behave like this sir. At the same time, some people have raised questions on Urvashi and wrote, 'After all, what was this compulsion Urvashi?' Let us tell you, while Nandamuri is 64 years old, Urvashi is only 30.
Image Credit: India_Tv.