In 1990, Anu Aggarwal and Rahul Roy made their Bollywood debut with the musical blockbuster 'Aashiqui' directed by Mahesh Bhatt and both became stars in no time. Discussions between the two started from the very first film. But, in 1999, Anu Aggarwal became the victim of a major accident, after which she stayed away from films. Anu Aggarwal has not been seen in any film for a long time, but now she is active on social media. Meanwhile, Anu Aggarwal has shared a video of hers on Instagram, after watching which even the users are shocked. Fans are targeting Anu Aggarwal after watching this video.
Anu Aggarwal shared dance video in short dress
Anu Aggarwal has expressed her desire to return to films in many interviews in recent times. Anu has not got any work yet, so she remains in touch with her fans through social media. In the video she recently shared, Anu Aggarwal is seen showing amazing dance moves in a short dress. After watching this video, the fans of the actress have become furious. Many even advised him not to share such videos.
Users angry over Anu Aggarwal's dance video
Anu Aggarwal wrote in the caption with the video, 'Live fully! Party, work hard, meditate, this is my mantra. In the video, she is showing strange dance moves in a short dress and the fans did not like her style at all and started trolling her on New Year itself.
Users' comments
While commenting, a fan of Anu Aggarwal wrote – 'Please, I respect you a lot and I do not want anyone to make wrong comments on you. Please do not make such videos. 'Another user wrote- 'Be classy. What is this cheapness?' Another wrote- 'Madam, this is not 1990. When will you grow up, stop wearing these children's frocks?
Image Credit: India_Tv.