Actress Sambhavna Seth and her husband Avinash Dwivedi are going through a difficult phase these days. Recently shared a vlog, in which she told that Sambhavna has suffered a miscarriage. Sambhavna and Avinash were eagerly waiting for the joy of becoming parents, but both of them lost their child in the first trimester of pregnancy, whose emotional journey the couple put before everyone. Avinash narrated the entire ordeal in the vlog and said, “We have been going through this situation for a long time and this has happened again. Sambhavna was pregnant, and it was the third month of the first trimester. Today we got the scan done and everyone was Were going to share this good news.
Sambhavna-Avinash shared pain with fans
Avinash further says- 'Everything seemed fine and we were hopeful that this time everything would be good. The baby's heartbeat was also heard, but doctors could not find it in the latest scan. No one could understand why this happened.” Sambhavna Seth, who was listening to Avinash, became very emotional during this time and told that she tried her best to save the child, but she could not save him. Sambhavna told that she spent three months 65 injections were given, still the child could not be saved.
Every precaution was taken for the child – Sambhavna
He said- 'I did not know that so many injections would have to be taken. It was very painful. I took every precaution to save him. I just wanted our child to be safe and did everything to save him. Avinash further explains- 'It was very painful for Sambhavna. He had to get injections 2-3 times every day. We tried our best mentally, physically and financially, but nothing could be done. Doctors were also shocked after seeing the report. They thought that maybe we could have twins. We were just hoping for the best. The doctor was saying that it could be twins.
Sambhavna Seth expressed her pain
Sambhavna says- 'I was having pain for many days, but I could not understand why this was happening. This pain seemed normal to me and I also got it treated. I had not even thought that this is happening because of this and the baby's heartbeat is going away. Avinash says- 'Sambhavana was having severe back pain for two weeks and the doctors said that it was a sign of miscarriage. Now we are able to connect to it. Doctors told that this had happened only last week and it is not right for the child to stay in the body for so long, so first of all get the DNC done. The couple told that the last few months were full of ups and downs for them.
Image Credit: India_Tv.