India's first single-shot film '2020 Delhi' will soon be released in theaters. Recently, the trailer of the film was released by the makers, which is very much discussed. This film will see the story of the untold truth of Delhi riots. The film will feature CAA protests started from Shaheenbagh and riots raging in Delhi. The entire story of the film will be seen revolving around February 24, when Donald Trump was in Delhi on one side, riots spread every side in the city on the other side.
2020 Delhi trailer release
The film will feature actors like Bijendra Kala, Samar Jai Singh, Siddharth Bhardwaj and Devendra Malviya. The film will tell how the CAA protest started from Shaheenbagh “Namaste Trump”. '2020 Delhi' is a full -day story of 24 February 2020, when Donald Trump was in Delhi on one side and the city was burning in the fire of riots on the other side. 53 people died in these riots.
What is the story of the film
Through 2020 Delhi, filmmaker Devendra Malaviya has tried to reveal the bitter truth of these Delhi riots. The film also highlights the plight of Hindu minorities in neighboring countries. Especially in 2020 Delhi, in these countries, the rape, murder, conversion of Hindu women in these countries will describe the pain of innumerable Hindus dying in the hope of coming to India with atrocities like bonded slavery.
2020 Delhi's specialty
The special thing is that this film of Devendra Malaviya is the film's first one shot technology film. Talking about one shot technique, script, choreography, acting, lighting, sets, are all able to get the desired shot only by coordination. That is why one shot is a bonfire experience of film cinema, in which the audience feels inside the film.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.