central Telecom Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia on Tuesday said that Elon Musk's company Starlink has not yet met the security norms. He said Starlink will be issued a license for satellite communication services only if the company meets all the requirements for services in India. The minister said that satellite internet service providers are in the process of meeting all the requirements. After the completion of the process they will get the license.
Starlink will have to follow all the rules
Scindia said, “Starlink will have to follow all the rules to get the license. You also have to look at it from a security perspective. They are in the process of doing so. They will get the license once all the requirements are met.'' Currently, the government has issued the license to Jio Satellite Communications, a joint venture of OneWeb and Jio-SES backed by Bharti Group.
Government will review TRAI's recommendations
Both the companies have not yet started their operations as they are awaiting spectrum allocation. According to sources, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) may finalize its recommendation on the proposed rules related to spectrum allocation for satellite communications by December 15. The government will review TRAI's recommendations and then decide on allocating spectrum to satellite communication companies. After this, the way for satellite based broadband services in the country will be cleared.
What did the minister say on waiving the bank guarantee of Vodafone Idea?
When asked about Vodafone Idea's request to waive bank guarantee of Rs 24,700 crore, Scindia said that the government will not take any decision keeping in mind any particular company, but will consider the impact of its decision on the entire sector. Will have to. The government has about 23 percent stake in Vodafone Idea. The minister said that the telecom sector has received a tremendous boost in the last two and a half years.
Image Credit: India_Tv.