Country Government construction company NBCC has got a big contract worth Rs 500 crore. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has given this big contract to NBCC for construction of buildings at 5 different places. NBCC India Limited said in an exchange filing on Tuesday that the public sector construction company has received this contract from BIS. Under the contract, NBCC has got the contract to construct buildings at BIS Headquarters in New Delhi, Central Laboratory in Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, National Standardization Training Institute in Noida, Northern Regional Laboratory in Mohali and Branch Laboratory in Bengaluru. The total value of the contract is Rs 500 crore.
Today the share price reached from intraday low of Rs 95.35 to intraday high of Rs 97.63.
After this big contract won by NBCC, action can be seen in the shares of the company on Wednesday. Let us tell you that on Tuesday, a fall of Rs 0.82 (0.84%) was seen in the company's shares. Due to this decline, the company's shares closed at Rs 96.86 today. Shares of NBCC India, which closed at Rs 97.68 on Monday, opened today with a fall at Rs 96.69. During trading today, NBCC shares rose from an intraday low of Rs 95.35 to an intraday high of Rs 97.63.
Shares of the company are trading much below 52 week high
NBCC shares are trading well below their 52 week high. The 52 week high of the company's shares is Rs 139.90 and 52 week low is Rs 42.55. According to BSE, the current market cap of this public sector company is Rs 26,152.20 crore. Let us tell you that the shares of the company have increased by 3.26 percent in the last one week. The company's share price has declined by 14.10 percent in the last one month. This PSU stock has given returns of 116.74 percent to its investors in the last 1 year and 328.39 percent in the last 2 years.
Image Credit: India_Tv.