Karnataka The government is preparing to impose green cess on water bills. The government has taken this decision to meet the shortage of funds for the conservation of the Western Ghats. The Karnataka government is considering imposing a monthly “green cess” of Rs 2 to 3 on water bills of all corporations and municipalities supplied with drinking water from rivers originating in the Western Ghats. Forest Minister Ishwar Khandre on Wednesday directed the Additional Chief Secretary of Forest, Environment and Ecology to submit the proposal within a week.
Work will be done on the Western Ghats
The Forest Minister plans to use this amount to help projects like enhancing the security and greenery of the Western Ghats, purchasing agricultural land to create animal corridors and installing railway barricades for the safety of animals. The Forest Minister said in the letter that the amount collected will be kept entirely reserved for the conservation of the Western Ghats. In a letter to ACS, the minister said, “The Western Ghats of Karnataka is home to the Tunga, Bhadra, Kaveri, Kabini, Hemavati, Krishna, Malaprabha and Ghataprabha rivers. We supply potable water from these rivers to many cities and towns They will be able to meet our future water needs only if we protect their catchment areas along the Western Ghats.”
Will be implemented as soon as possible
The minister argued that even a small cess of Rs 2 or 3 could raise significant funds for the conservation and protection of ecologically sensitive ghats. “This small amount can help raise awareness among people about the role of the Ghats in our lives, and inculcate responsibility towards environmental protection,” he said. After receiving the proposal from the departmental secretary within a week, it will be sent to the government for approval. The Forest Minister plans to implement green cess as soon as possible.
Image Credit: India_Tv.