SIP The number of investors investing through is increasing everyday. SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) in mutual funds helps investors to invest regularly. Today we are giving you a description of the amount you will get on maturity by starting SIP with different amounts in 20, 30 and 40 years. If you start SIP at the age of 20, you can invest till 40 years i.e. retirement. At the same time, if you open it at the age of 40, you will be able to invest only for 20 years. Now the question arises whether increasing the SIP amount will also have any effect. Let us know.
If you start investing Rs 2,000 at the age of 20, Rs 4,000 at the age of 30 and Rs 6,000 at the age of 40, then how much money will you have at the age of 60, let us know.
SIP of Rs 2,000 with 12% annual returns
For example, a SIP of Rs 2,000 per month in a mutual fund scheme with contributions for 40 years at an annual return of 12% can give you a corpus of Rs 2,37,64,840.
SIP of Rs 4,000 with 12% annual returns
If you invest Rs 4,000 in SIP and invest for 30 years with 12% annual return, the total amount will be Rs 1,41,19,655 crore.
SIP of Rs 6,000 with 12% annual returns
You must have understood that even by increasing the SIP amount, you did not get much benefit. Therefore, the sooner you start SIP, the more you will benefit.
Image Credit: India_Tv.