Capital markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has cautioned investors on Monday. SEBI has alerted investors against transacting in securities of non-listed companies on unauthorized electronic platforms and websites. The market regulator said such activities violate the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 and the SEBI Act, 1992, both of which aim to protect the interests of investors in the securities market.
Do not share any sensitive personal details
According to the news, SEBI said in its statement that some electronic platforms are facilitating trading of unlisted securities without proper approval. Cautioning investors, SEBI asked investors not to make any transactions or share any sensitive personal details on such electronic platforms as these are neither authorized nor recognized by SEBI.
List of exchanges on official Website
The list of stock exchanges recognized by the Securities and Exchange Board of India is available on the official website of the regulator. Additionally, the regulator warned investors against sharing sensitive personal information on unauthorized platforms and transacting through them.
New investor charter issued
Capital markets regulator SEBI recently issued a new investor charter with the aim of improving investor protection, market transparency and enhancing trust and confidence among investors. The reformed charter emphasizes on ensuring confidentiality of investor information and providing the right to opt out of securities market related products or services on reasonable terms. The revised charter aims to enable investors to better understand the risks associated with market investments, as well as ensure they are dealt with fairly in a timely and efficient manner.
Image Credit: India_Tv.