The share allotment under the initial public offering (IPO) of Niva Bupa Health Insurance Limited is expected to be finalized on Tuesday. This IPO of the company opened for bidding on 7 November and closed on 11 November. Once the Niva Bupa Health Insurance IPO allotment is finalised, the company will credit the shares in the demat accounts of eligible investors on November 13 and initiate refunds to unsuccessful bidders on the same day.
Check online status like this
If you have also bid in this IPO, then you can check Niva Bupa Health Insurance IPO allotment status online through the websites of BSE and NSE and the official portal of the IPO registrar. Kfin Technologies is the Niva Bupa IPO registrar. Follow the following procedure to check status online:
Status check of IPO allotment on BSE
Step 1: Visit BSE website link
Step 2: Select Equity as issue type
Step 3: Select Niva Bupa Health Insurance Limited in the Issue Name dropdown menu
Step 4: Enter application number or PAN
Step 5: Verify by ticking I am not robot and click on Search. Your Niva Bupa Health Insurance IPO allotment status will show on the screen.
Allotment Status Check at Kfin Technologies
GMP of Niva Bupa Health Insurance IPO
Equity shares of Niva Bupa Health Insurance are trading in the unlisted market. According to stock market observers, Niva Bupa Health Insurance IPO GMP is priced at ₹3 per share today. This shows that in the gray market, shares of Niva Bupa Health Insurance are trading at ₹3 per share more than their issue price. Niva Bupa Health Insurance IPO On Tuesday Looking at GMP, the estimated listing price of Niva Bupa Health Insurance shares is ₹77 per share, which is 4% higher than the IPO price of ₹74 per share.
Image Credit: India_Tv.