Indian Railways has created history by carrying more than 3 crore passengers in a single day on 4 November 2024. Railway Ministry has given this information. This is a historic achievement in the transport history of the country. According to the news, on November 4, Indian Railways carried 120.72 lakh non-suburban passengers, including 19.43 lakh reserved passengers and 101.29 lakh unreserved passengers, along with a record 180 lakh suburban passengers, the highest in a single day in 2024. is the passenger number.
65 lakh passengers transported in 4,521 special trains
According to the news, during the festive season this year from October 1 to November 5, 2024, Indian Railways has achieved a remarkable feat by carrying 65 lakh passengers in 4,521 special trains in the last thirty-six days. These additional services have played an important role in facilitating smooth travel during the ongoing Durga Puja, Diwali and Chhath Puja celebrations. This achievement reflects Indian Railways' commitment to meet the increasing demand during peak festival times, making travel easier and more accessible for all.
Total 7,724 special trains announced
Indian Railways announced a total of 7,724 special trains to meet the increased travel demand during the festive period from October 1 to November 30, 2024, marking an increase of 73% compared to last year's 4,429 special train services. . Railways has run an average of 175 special trains per day in the last four days to take passengers to their destinations for Chhath Puja. Now, Indian Railways is preparing for the anticipated return rush starting from November 8, 2024 with the conclusion of Chhath Puja festival.
Preparations for returning passengers also
Image Credit: India_Tv.