Government has deployed a technical system to stop fraudulent calls, which is blocking 1.35 crore such calls daily. Giving this information, Union Communications Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia said that so far it has helped people save property worth Rs 2,500 crore. The minister said in an interview that most of the fraudulent calls come from servers outside the country and the systems are capable of blocking most of such fraudulent calls. Scindia said, “We have implemented a complete system to deal with marketing calls and fraudulent calls coming to your phone. The fraud detection network of our DoT has today saved people's property worth about Rs 2,500 crore with the help of 'Sanchar Sathi' and 'Chakshu'.
1.35 crore calls are being blocked every day
He said that due to these systems, about 2.9 lakh phone numbers have been blocked and about 18 lakh headers, which were used to send messages, have been blocked. The minister said that apart from this, fraudsters who used servers outside India but presented themselves as +91 numbers (Indian numbers) are also being identified. “We have installed software that stops these calls,” he said. Who are blocking on an average 1.35 crore such calls every day.
BSNL 5G will come by May
He said that the government has installed a new software, in which it is connecting banks along with law enforcement agencies. Scindia said that 520 agencies have been included in it. Outlining his priorities, he said that self-reliant BSNL 5G by May and launching 4G for all under the saturation plan by April is one of his top priorities. Also, notifying all the remaining rules under the Telecom Act 2023 by December is also included in his priorities. He said that work is underway on a plan to build one lakh base stations for BSNL 4G, out of which construction of 50,000 towers has been completed.
Image Credit: India_Tv.