Chief The net profit of stock exchange BSE has tripled to Rs 346 crore in the second quarter of the current financial year ended in September. The company gave this information on Tuesday. The company's net profit in the same quarter of the last financial year was Rs 118 crore. BSE said in a statement that its total income has almost doubled to Rs 819 crore in the September quarter, which was Rs 367 crore in the same quarter of the last financial year. BSE managing director (MD) and chief executive officer (CEO) Sundararaman Ramamurthy said the company reported revenue of Rs 1,493 crore and profit of Rs 610 crore for the April-September half, its best half-yearly figures.
Tremendous increase in trading in derivatives segment
The company's average daily turnover in the equity cash segment for the July-September quarter of the current financial year increased to Rs 9,768 crore from Rs 5,922 crore in the same quarter last year. The average daily premium business in the equity derivatives segment stood at Rs 8,203 crore in the second quarter of the current financial year, compared to Rs 768 crore in the same quarter last year.
Gave 120% return in 1 year
On Tuesday, shares of BSE Limited closed at Rs 4,705 with a gain of 1.77 per cent or Rs 81.85 on the National Stock Exchange. 52 week high of this share is Rs 4989. Whereas, 52 week low is Rs 1941. The market cap of the company was Rs 63,694.58 crore on NSE on Tuesday. According to Moneycontrol, this stock has given returns of 81% in 3 months, 120% in one year and 890% in 3 years.
Image Credit: India_Tv.