Bollywood actor Sharman Joshi, who has worked in bang and superhit films like '3 Idiots', 'Life in a Metro' and 'Dhol', has been struggling for a long time. Sharman Joshi, who has worked in more than 47 films in his career, has been craving for a hit for the last 10 years. Also, Sharman has not got a good job for a long time. When Salman Khan came to know about this, he offered him a character in the film 'Sikandar'. Now Sharman is going to be seen sharing the screen with Salman Khan soon. Sharman Joshi has been the master of the king and acting of comedy and has proved his art in many films. Even after this, the last 10 years have been very disappointing for Sharman Joshi. Not a single solo hit has come in Sharman's account for almost 10 years.
Was started in 1999
Born on 28 April 1974 in Mumbai, Sharman Joshi started his career with the 1999 film 'Godamdar'. However, the film proved to be a superflop at the box office. Even after this, Sharman did not give up and continued. After doing about 4 films, Sharman got 'Rang De Basanti'. Released in 2006, the film was a super hit at the box office. Along with this, Sharman's acting was also highly praised. After this, Sharman's luck also shone and did films like Golmaal, Life in a Metro and Rakib. After this, Sharman Joshi did wonders in the film 'Dhol' released in 2007. The film was also a hit and became a unique film in the world of comedy. Sharman was on his career peak these days. In the 2009 film 3 Idiots, his character received a lot of praise and became a superstar overnight. However, Sharman failed to choose good films by giving a superhit film. Since this film, Sharman started struggling in his career.
Waiting for a hit for 10 years
Sharman acted in many films since 2010 and some films were also hits. But for the last 10 years, Sharman has been working in films continuously but not a single hit film has come to his account yet. His career also came to slope as Sharman did not get a hit. Sharman did not get a good job for some time. But during this time, Sharman met Salman Khan. Sharman also said the same in front of Salman Khan that I am not getting work. From here, Salman Khan became a Sankatmochan for his friend Sharman and offered him a role in his film 'Sikander'. Now Sharman may soon be seen sharing the screen with Salman Khan. Sikander is going to have a good character in the film. Sharman has also got a chance to break his flop films from this film.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.