Karan Johar has so far launched many Starkids. Karan Johar has given the first Bollywood break to Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan to Ananya Pandey. At the same time, Karan Johar was also going to launch Karan Johar, daughter of Kapoor family. However, this could not happen for some reasons. Now he has taken the responsibility of launching another Starkid on his shoulders. Karan Johar is going to launch Ibrahim Ali Khan, son of Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh, in films, which he has revealed himself. Sara Ali Khan has also reacted to her beloved brother's debut and expressed happiness.
Saif will launch Ibrahim
Yes, Ibrahim Ali Khan, the younger Nawab of the Pataudi family, is going to step into the film world soon. StarKid's Bollywood debut was under discussion for a long time and now it is finally clear that Karan Johar has taken the responsibility of his first film. Ibrahim's first film will be named 'Sarajmin' and Karan Johar himself has approved this news. He did not confirm the name of the film, but made it clear that Ibrahim's debut would be with his banner i.e. Dharma Productions.
Sara Ali Khan's reaction
Sara Ali Khan has also expressed happiness over brother's debut. Sara shared Karan Johar's post and expressed her happiness and wrote in the caption- 'Welcome to the Movies Ibrahim Ali Khan.' In this post, he has also tagged brother Ibrahim.
Sara Ali Khan's post
The first meeting with Amrita was held at the age of 12
Karan Johar shared this news while sharing the Ibrahim picture. He wrote in the post- 'I met Amrita then I was just 12 years old. He had done a film called 'Duniya' for Dharma Movies with my father and I remember his grace, energy very well on camera. But, what I remember the most is our first meeting with him and his hairstylist Chinese dinner and then James Bond's film! When we met, he treated me very well, which is also in his children.
Remember the first meeting with Saif
Karan further writes- 'With Saif, I met him first in Anand Mahendru's office. Young Charming and Effortless … Ibrahim also felt the same in the first meeting. And a strong friendship that continues to our children! I have known this family for 40 years. He worked in different roles with him – 'Duniya' and '2 States' with Amrita, 'Kal Ho Na Ho' with 'Kal Ho Ho' and 'Simba' with Sara and many more will come after that Films. I know this family from his heart.
This is said for Ibrahim Ali Khan
Karan further writes- 'Movies are in his blood, his genes and his passion. We are making way for a new wave of talent, which I can't wait to show the world. Ibrahim Ali Khan is ready to make a place in your heart and screen.
bollywood news
Image Credit: India_Tv.