The romantic comedy film 'Lovayapa' is set to knock in theaters during the Valentine's Week 2025. The film will be released in theaters on February 7, 2 big starkids of Bollywood Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor starrer. The film will be the first film on the big screen of Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan and Sridevi's daughter Khushi Kapoor. After releasing in theaters, the film is going to be seen on the film OTT platform Disney+Hotstar. According to Lavayapa's poster, the film's streaming partner is Disney+Hotstar. After walking in theaters, the audience will be able to enjoy the story sitting at home. Those who cannot see this film in theaters are going to get a chance to see it on the OTT platform Hotstar sitting at home. However, when the film will be premiered on OTT, it has not been revealed yet.
The film's trailer made a boom
Lovayapa's official trailer and some songs of its soundtrack have already been released. The trailer of 2 minutes, 47 seconds introduces Gaurav and Bani, the characters of Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor. Before deciding to marry each other, they exchange their phone for a day. This is a test of their relationship and promises a lot of chaos. The audience is going to get a lot of entertainment and laughter with this Jane Z love story. The unique song Loveyapa Ho Gaya is a fun track that reflects the problems of the main pair relationship. Rehna Cole is a soothing romantic number in which happiness and Junaid show their magical chemistry.
Romance will get plenty of dose
Who is a heart -breaking song who reflects the difficulties of their relationship. It promises to make you emotional. Khushi Kapoor and Junaid Khan have been busy promoting the film for the last few days. He is accompanied by the actors of Lavayapa include Grusha Kapoor, Ashutosh Rana, Tanvika Parlikar, Kiku Sharda, Devishi Madan, Aditya Kulshrestha, Nikhil Mehta, Jason Thham, Yunus Khan, Yuktim Khosla and Kunj Anand. Presented by AGS Entertainment and Phantom, Lavayapa is a Phantom Studio Production. Directed by Advaita Chandan, the film will be released on the silver screen on February 7, 2025.
Image Credit: India_Tv.