Saif Ali Khan is admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. On January 16, the actor was attacked inside his house, in which he suffered serious injuries. However, the actor is fine now and will return home soon. Saif Ali Khan's entire family is with him in this difficult time. From Kareena Kapoor to children Sara, Ibrahim, Taimur and Jeh reached the hospital to meet him. Meanwhile, a news has come out about Saif Ali Khan's sister Saba Ali Khan, which shows that not Saif but Saba is also injured these days.
Saba shared her photo
Saba Ali Khan has shared a photo of herself on her Instagram story, in the caption with which she told that she has fractured her finger. Saba's post shows that the last week has been very difficult for the entire Khan family. On one hand, the attacker who entered his house attacked him with a knife and injured him, while on the other hand, his sister's finger also got fractured.
Saba told the condition of brother Saif
While sharing her photo, Saba Ali Khan has informed the fans about her and brother Saif Ali Khan's condition. Saba told in her post that Saif is slowly recovering and she is very happy to see this. Saba Ali Khan wrote- 'It feels great to be back after spending time with my brother. It is heartening to see him remaining positive and slowly recovering during the last two days.
Saba Ali Khan told fans about Saif and her condition
Saba Ali Khan's finger fractured
Describing her injury, Saba wrote- “Till recently I did not realize that my finger was fractured, it reminded me of brother and I Abba's cricket injuries! I was tempted to just do nothing and let it settle, but that didn't happen. Happy to be with family. Always together!”
Image Credit: India_Tv.