The main accused who attacked Saif Ali Khan has been arrested by Mumbai Police on Sunday, January 19 from Thane, Mumbai. The police are currently interrogating him by taking him on remand. The accused has admitted before the police that he had attacked the actor with a knife. Now the court has kept the accused in police remand for 5 days. Currently, Bollywood actor Saif is admitted in Lilavati Hospital and is undergoing treatment. Many celebrities have given their reaction on this incident. Now meanwhile, Akshay Kumar has also reacted on Saif Ali Khan attack case and said that he is very brave.
Saif Ali Khan is a player
During the promotion of the upcoming film 'Sky Force', Akshay Kumar said, 'It is very good that he is safe. This is a very good point. We are happy. The entire industry is happy that he is fine. It was his bravery to protect his family and I salute him. The actor further said, 'I have done a film with him, Main Khiladi Tu Anari, but next time if we do it, we will make the film Tu Khiladi.'
Akshay Kumar's South Debut
Akshay Kumar is all set to make his Telugu debut in 'Kannaappa'. Today, he shared his first look as Lord Shiva which went viral within no time. The film is scheduled to release on April 25, 2025, and also stars Kajal Aggarwal, Mohan Babu, Madhu and Mohanlal. The look shared by Akshay Kumar on his Instagram handle. In that he is seen in the guise of Lord Shiva. He is seen holding a trident and damru.
Saif was attacked on the night of 16 January
Let us tell you that Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked at midnight on 16 January. According to the information received, the accused had entered his house with the intention of stealing and attacked him with a knife. Actor Saif Ali Khan has suffered serious injuries in this attack. The actor has been admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai, where he is undergoing treatment. Police have recorded the statement of his family and staff in this regard.
Image Credit: India_Tv.