Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, who has been ruling Hindi cinema for three decades, is now turning towards South cinema. He is debuting in Telugu industry with the upcoming film Kannappa. The actor's full look from the film was revealed on Monday. It is noteworthy that Kannappa was announced last year. The actor's entry in the film had created a lot of excitement among the people. There were rumors of him being a part of this film for some time, but finally this news has been confirmed with the first look of Akshay.
Akshay Kumar's look for Kannappa
Akshay Kumar's full look from the film Kannappa has been revealed. He will be seen in the role of Mahadev in the film. In the poster, Khiladi Kumar is seen holding a trident in one hand and a damru in the other. This look of Lord Shiva suits him. Sharing the stunning poster, Akshay Kumar captioned it, “Stepping into the sacred aura of Mahadev for Kannappa. It's an honor to bring this epic tale to life. May Lord Shiva guide us in this divine journey. Om Namah Shivay.”
What did the users say?
Fans seem very excited to see Akshay Kumar in the role of Lord Shiva. One user said, “I can't wait for this.” One called the actor the king of Bollywood. One user wrote, “No one else looks as perfect as Akshay sir in the role of Mahadev.” People are also expressing their enthusiasm through fire emoji.
Kannappa release date
Vishnu Manchu is playing the lead role in Kannappa produced by Mohan Babu. Stars like Prabhas, Akshay Kumar, Mohanlal, Sarathkumar, Madhu, Mohan Babu, Kajal Aggarwal and Brahmanandan will be seen in important roles in this mythological film based on Lord Shiva. The film will be released in theaters on April 25. Before Kannappa, Akshay Kumar's upcoming film Sky Force is releasing in theaters on January 24.
Image Credit: India_Tv.