DoT has launched Sanchar Sathi mobile app to report fake calls and messages. Union Minister of Communications and North-East Development Jyotiraditya Scindia has launched this mobile app during an event organized by the Department of Telecommunications. Apart from this, the Union Minister has also launched National Broadband Mission 2.0, in which fiber broadband service will be provided to every village of the country. In 2017, the Modi government had announced the National Broadband Mission, through which a target was set to provide optical fiber (OFC) to every gram panchayat in the country.
Sanchar Sathi App Launch
Sanchar Sathi portal will benefit 120 crore mobile users of the country. Mobile users will be able to report fake calls and messages right from their smartphones. Sanchar Sathi portal was launched by the government in 2023. Through this portal, along with reporting fake calls and messages, one can block the IMEI of a lost mobile phone and check the mobile number linked to one's Aadhaar card. Now users will get all these facilities through mobile app.
The Union Minister has mentioned the contribution of mobile users in India's growing digital economy. Also, the contribution of technology in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Developed India Mission has been talked about. Internet connectivity will be further improved across the country through the National Broadband Mission 2.0 launched by the government.
communication partner app
Speaking about Sanchar Sathi, the Union Minister said that 9 crore users have benefited through this portal. 5 crore fake mobile connections have been closed. Out of the lost phones of 25 lakh users, 15 lakh mobile phones have been recovered through this portal. According to DoT, 3.13 lakh mobile handsets have been blocked after reporting on Sanchar Saathi. 2.75 crore mobile connections have been disconnected. Not only this, work has been done to blacklist more than 71 thousand SIM card sellers through this portal. Also, 186 bulk SMS senders and 1.3 lakh SMS templates have been blocked. Also, 12 lakh WhatsApp accounts and 11 lakh bank accounts have been frozen.
Where to download?
You can download the Sanchar Saathi mobile app on your smartphone by scanning the QR code present on the Sanchar Saathi website. Apart from this, you can search and download this app from Google Play Store or Apple App Store. After downloading the app, you can log in to it using your mobile number and avail its features.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.