Actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked late at night. The actor has suffered serious injuries. His treatment is continuing at Lilavati Hospital. It is being told that the actor was attacked with a knife. An unknown person who had entered the house with the intention of stealing attacked him and injured him by stabbing him several times. Police have started action in this matter. Meanwhile, the first video after the incident has surfaced. Saif Ali Khan is not visible in the video but his wife Kareena Kapoor can be clearly seen. She is seen with her house help. The video is said to be from late night.
Kareena Kapoor seen in the video
In the video that has surfaced, you can see that Kareena Kapoor is seen standing with her maids outside the house wearing a pink T-shirt and pajama. Two men and women are seen with him in the video. The actress looks quite upset. In the beginning of the video he can be seen talking to these people. After this she is seen circling. This video of the actress shows that she is very upset and nervous. Kareena's maid is also seen conveying something through gestures.
Watch video here
How did the incident happen?
Let us tell you, a person entered the room of actor Saif Ali Khan's son Jahangir at 2 o'clock. Their housekeeper Ariama Phillips alias Lima was grabbed by an unknown person and she started screaming. When actor Saif Ali Khan came forward, the man attacked him with a sharp weapon. He was injured and his housekeeper was also injured. He is undergoing treatment at Saif Lilavati Hospital. The police have started the round of interrogation in this matter. His maid will also be interrogated. It is being told that the unknown person has also been identified.
The actor is badly injured
Talking about the condition of the actor, the hospital administration has given an update on it. According to the hospital, Saif Ali Khan has been attacked at 6 places and the actor has suffered deep injuries at 2 places on his body. The neck and spinal cord have been attacked with a knife. According to the report on ANI, the actor is undergoing surgery.
Image Credit: India_Tv.