Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan has been in the news since Thursday morning. A thief attacked Saif Ali Khan's house last night. Saif Ali Khan was stabbed 6 times in this attack. Saif has been injured in this attack and has been admitted to Lilavati Hospital. Now Bollywood actress Pooja Bhatt has given a sharp reaction in support of Saif Ali Khan. Besides, Pooja Bhatt has also raised serious questions on law and order. Pooja Bhatt has shared a post on her This is the third such case in Bandra area that I have heard about recently. Yesterday my niece's boutique was also attacked. Who is giving air to these people who are daring to enter their houses? Where is our security? I raise serious questions on law and order.
The hospital issued a statement
Lilavati Hospital has issued a statement regarding the attack on Saif Ali Khan, revealing that actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked 6 times and suffered deep injuries in two parts of his body. There was a knife attack on the neck and spinal cord. According to ANI, the actor is currently undergoing surgery.
Police issued a statement
Mumbai Police has reached Saif Ali Khan's Bandra house and will interrogate the house staff on this matter. The police have identified the attacker. Mumbai Police's statement regarding the attack on Saif has also come out. According to him, an unknown person entered Saif Ali Khan's house. There was a scuffle with the actor, during which he was stabbed several times with a knife. A statement has also been issued by Saif Ali Khan's team, in which it has been said that an attempt to steal has been made in the house. Fans have been appealed to maintain patience.
Kareena Kapoor Khan was not at home
The actor's wife Kareena Kapoor was not at home at the time of this incident. The actress has gone abroad for holidays. At present, he is expected to return soon after this incident. Let us tell you, the actor was last seen in 'Devra: Part 1'. The film also starred Junior NTR and Janhvi Kapoor. The actor played a negative character in it, which was liked a lot.
Image Credit: India_Tv.