Meta has apologized for CEO Mark Zuckerberg's statement. Zuckerberg had shared wrong information about the Lok Sabha elections held last year in a podcast done with a private channel The Joe Rogan Experience. The parliamentary committee had decided to summon Meta regarding this. Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav had also posted about this on social media. Meta has apologized, calling Mark Zuckerberg's statement an 'unintentional mistake'.
Meta's apology
On Ashwini Vaishnav's post, Meta India head Shivnath Thukral apologized and said that Mark Zuckerberg's statement was for all those ruling parties who did not come back to power in 2024. It was not for India. We apologize for this unintentional mistake. India is a very important country for Meta and we look forward to being at the center of its innovative future.
What is the whole matter?
Speaking on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Mark Zuckerberg said that the current Modi government lost the Lok Sabha elections in 2024 because of their poor management during COVID-19. After the reaction of Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav on this statement, the Parliamentary Committee had decided to summon Meta. Ashwini Vaishnav had tagged Mark Zuckerberg on both social media platform X and Facebook. In this podcast, Zugerberg had mentioned the management during the Corona period as the main reason for the government of India as well as other countries of the world losing elections.
Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said in her tweet that during Covid, the government provided free ration to 800 million people and 2.2 billion free vaccines, which is an example for the world. This is the reason that even after a pandemic like Covid, India is the fastest growing economy in the world, due to which PM Modi has won the elections for the third consecutive time.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.