After Alia Bhatt, now a new daughter-in-law has entered the biggest and most famous Kapoor family of Bollywood. Karisma Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor's cousin Aadar Jain has also tied the knot. Aadar Jain got married to his fiancee Alekha Advani on January 12, which was attended by the entire Kapoor family. Both the love birds had a destination wedding in Goa. Aadar and Alekha got married as per Christian customs and informed the fans about it by sharing pictures on social media. Their white wedding photos are viral on social media. A glimpse of Karisma Kapoor's daughter Samaira Kapoor was also seen in these pictures.
Karisma Kapoor's daughter Samaira shines in white dress
In the 90s, Karisma Kapoor made everyone crazy with her beauty and now her daughter's transformation is being discussed everywhere. 19 year old Samaira wore a white gown in the wedding of her maternal uncle i.e. Aadar Jain, in which she looked very beautiful. After seeing this style of Samaira, she is now being discussed on social media. Karisma Kapoor's daughter Samaira's style grabbed the limelight.
Karishma's daughter Samaira looked beautiful in white outfit
Kareena and Ranbir were not seen at Alekha-Aadar's wedding
In September last year, Aadar had proposed Alekha in filmy style, after which both of them had a roka ceremony in November. The entire Kapoor family participated in this ceremony. From Kareena-Saif to Ranbir-Alia became a part of this ceremony. However, Ranbir-Alia and Saif-Kareena were seen missing from Alekha-Aadar's wedding. Neetu Kapoor shared a family photo, in which these four stars were not seen anywhere.
Alekha Advani's wedding look
Roka ceremony took place in November
Aadar Jain and Alekha Advani got married in the presence of their family and close ones. In which the romantic style of both was seen. Alekha had chosen a white gown for the wedding, in which she looked amazing. She completed her look with necklace and earrings. Whereas Aadar Jain had chosen a gray suit for his white wedding, in which he looked dashing.
Image Credit: India_Tv.