Siddharth Nigam, famous for blockbuster films like 'Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan' and 'Dhoom 3' as well as popular television shows like 'Chakravarti Ashok Samrat' and 'Aladdin: Naam Toh Suna Hoga', shared some pictures of Mahakumbh 2025. In which his family is also visible. Siddharth Nigam along with his mother and brother Abhishek Nigam took a dip in the holy Triveni Sangam in Prayagraj. He has also talked about his spiritual journey. Siddharth had arrived yesterday with his family to be a part of this historic day and the actor himself has given this information on his social media.
Siddharth Nigam took bath in Mahakumbh
Sharing a long note, Siddharth Nigam has shared his experience. Siddharth wrote, 'It is very difficult for me to express in words the experience of taking a holy bath in Triveni Sangam during Mahakumbh. Standing at the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati, I feel peace and tranquility, as if the sacred water is washing away not only physical impurities but also inner worries and burdens. All my worries have gone away. Along with this, the actor also told in his post that after taking bath in Sangam, he is feeling the spiritual energy of the holy land of Prayagraj.
Siddharth Nigam's Mahakumbh Yatra
Giving further information about his visit to Mahakumbh, the actor said that it is a big thing for him that he is here with his family. Being a part of Mahakumbh is no less than a blessing for them. Siddharth further writes- 'This is not a tradition, which just has to be followed. It's a spiritual awakening, it's a moment where you connect with God. I could feel the energy of countless devotees united by faith and hope, which made the experience even more wonderful.
Image Credit: India_Tv.