Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli left for Alibaug together on Sunday. Videos from Anushka-Virat's Gateway of India were shared on social media by many paparazzi accounts, in which they were seen leaving for Alibaug. Now some videos of Anushka Sharma have surfaced, in which the actress was seen returning to Mumbai without her husband. During this, Anushka wore a black T-shirt and printed denim. After watching this video, users started giving different types of reactions on the video. Many jokingly asked whether Anushka had returned to Mumbai after being angry with Virat.
Fans raised questions after seeing Anushka alone
However, after coming back to Mumbai, Anushka again left for Alibaug. The actress took a speed boat from Mumbai's Gateway of India and now, some videos of the actress reaching Alibaug have also surfaced on social media. The actress was seen at the Gateway of India on Monday morning, during which she was looking quite serious. In the afternoon, some videos of the actress surfaced, in which she looked happy.
Users gave different types of reactions on the video
During this time also Anushka had carried the same look. People around her kept taking pictures of her and the actress was seen smiling politely at the people around her. Meanwhile, in another video, Anushka was seen going to Alibaug in a speed boat. Different types of reactions are being seen from netizens on these videos of the actress. Some say that the actress is angry while others ask the paps to leave the actress alone.
The couple reached the feet of Premanand Maharaj
Virat and Anushka recently visited Premanand Govind Sharan Maharaj along with their children Vamika and Akay. A video that surfaced on social media shows the couple greeting Maharaj with folded hands, sitting on the floor and listening to his sermon. During the conversation with Maharaj, Anushka told that she listens to his spiritual talks. 'Last time we came, I had some questions in my mind, I thought I would ask them, but everyone sitting there had asked some similar question. When we were talking about coming to you, I was just talking to you, whatever questions were coming to me.
Image Credit: India_Tv.