Ranbir Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor and Karisma Kapoor's cousin Aadar Jain has tied the knot. Aadar Jain has married his fiancee Alekha Advani, whose pictures and videos have surfaced on social media. The couple got married as per Christian customs in Goa, pictures and videos of which are slowly coming out. In these photo-videos the couple can be seen lip-locking each other. Aadar Jain and Alekha Advani got married on 12 January 2025, which was attended by the entire Kapoor family.
Destination wedding in Goa
Aadar and Alekha had a destination wedding in Goa, away from Mumbai. Aadar Jain had chosen a gray suit for his white wedding, in which he looked very handsome. His bride Alekha Advani had chosen a white off-shoulder gown for the wedding, in which she looked very beautiful. She completed her look with necklace and earrings, which complemented her look.
Alekha-Adar seen lip-locking in the video
In the videos and photos of Alekha and Aadar's wedding that have surfaced on social media, the couple can be seen enjoying their wedding and lip-locking each other. The couple's friends and family members shared glimpses of the special moments of their wedding on social media, in which members of the Kapoor family are also seen. However, Ranbir Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor were missing from these photos and videos. In such a situation, fans are curious to know whether Ranbir-Kareena attended this wedding or not.
Ranbir-Alia and Kareena-Saif seen missing from family photo
Neetu Kapoor-Karisma Kapoor posted
Neetu Kapoor and Karisma Kapoor have also shared glimpses of some special moments of Aadar Jain and Alekha's wedding with fans. Neetu Kapoor has shared a family photo, in which the entire Kapoor family was seen together. However, Alia, Ranbir, Kareena and Saif were not seen anywhere in these photos. Let us tell you, the Roka ceremony of Aadar Jain and Alekha Advani took place in November 2024. In which the entire Kapoor family was involved.
Image Credit: India_Tv.