There are many Bollywood stars who have created a stir with their debut film. One of them is Aamir Khan's nephew. Actor Imran Khan suddenly disappeared after his explosive Bollywood debut. Imran Khan entered Hindi cinema with 'Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na'. This film made him an overnight star, in which Genelia D'Souza also appeared with him. After the debut film, Imran was seen with Sonam Kapoor in 'I Hate Love Stories' in 2010. In 2011, Imran Khan and Katrina Kaif's film 'Mere Brother Ki Dulhan' was released. Many of his characters are still discussed among the people. Everyone is a fan of her looks and innocence.
Actor dominated by Aamir Khan's film
Imran Khan is celebrating his 41st birthday on 13 January. After giving many hit films, actor Imran has been away from the big screen for a long time. However, he remains in the headlines for his personal life. Imran Khan's earlier name was Imran Pal. Imran Khan's maternal grandfather Nasir Hussain, who has made a splash in Bollywood, is a director-producer, maternal uncle Mansoor Khan is a director-producer and maternal uncle Aamir Khan is a Bollywood superstar actor. Imran Khan has worked with Aamir Khan as a child artist in the films 'Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak' and 'Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar'. He got a lot of love for both these films.
Imran Khan will return after 9 years
Imran Khan also worked as a director in his first short film 'Mission Mars Keep Walking India'. Actor Imran was last seen in the film 'Katti Batti' in 2015. After that he distanced himself from the big screen. Imran Khan can now make a comeback in films soon. Recently, filmmaker Danish Aslam told in an interview that he is working on a new project with Imran Khan which will be produced by his maternal uncle Aamir Khan. However, the entire cast has not been finalized yet.
Image Credit: India_Tv.