On Saturday, news was received that veteran actor Tiku Talsania has suffered a heart attack. His wife Deepti Talsania later revealed that he had a brain stroke. Where many fans were worried about his health. The 'Sector 36' actor's daughter Shikha Talsania has now shared a new update, in which it has been said that her father is now recovering. On January 12, Shikha Talsania shared an official note on her Instagram Stories and gave the health update of comedy actor Tiku Talsania. Tiku is undergoing treatment at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai.
Tiku Talsania's condition improved
Shikha Talsania wrote, 'Thank you for all your prayers and concerns. This has been an emotional and difficult time for all of us, but we are happy to say that dad is much better now and is recovering well. Further wrote, 'We are grateful to the doctors and staff of Kokilaben Ambani Hospital for whatever they have done to ensure that he is recovering. Thank you for all your love. Earlier it was told that 'Devdas', 'Jodi Number One', 'Shaktimaan', 'Coolie No. 1', 'Raja Hindustani', 'Daraar', 'Judwaan', 'Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya', 'Raju Chacha', 'Mela', 'Akhyon Se Goli Maare', 'Hungama', 'Dhol', 'Dhamaal', 'Ishq', 'Dil Hai Ki Manta Nahin', 'Kabhi Tiku Talsania, famous for his roles in films like 'Haan Kabhi Na' and 'Sector 36', suffered a heart attack. However, his wife Deepti Talsania spoke to NDTV and clarified that it was a brain stroke.
Tiku Talsania Health Update
Who is Tiku Talsania's daughter?
Shikha Talsania is also an actress, known for her roles in films like 'Veere Di Wedding', 'Satyprem Ki Katha'. Tiku Talsania's daughter is a Bollywood actress. He said, 'He had gone to attend a film screening and around 8 pm his health started deteriorating. He was immediately admitted to the hospital.
Image Credit: India_Tv.