The film 'Pushpa 2: The Rule' has dominated Indian theaters since its release. There is a huge buzz among the fans regarding the release of 'Pushpa 3'. The producers have made a new plan to release 20 minutes of unseen footage by adding it to the film. Now South superstar Allu Arjun has officially shared a glimpse of the 'Pushpa 2 Reloaded' version on Instagram. It has been officially revealed that there is going to be a big explosion before 'Pushpa 3: The Rampage'.
Pushpa 2 Reloaded will be released on this day
Another 20 minutes of footage will be added to the film 'Pushpa 2: The Rule'. Yes, 'Pushpa 2 Reloaded' is being released with the full film on January 17, 2025. In the glimpse of a few seconds, Pushpa is seen having a verbal war with SP Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat. After watching this video, the curiosity of the fans has increased once again. Let us tell you that Pushpa 2 Reloaded version was earlier scheduled to release on January 11, but it was postponed due to technical reasons.
There will be a fight between Pushparaj and SP Shekhawat
To maintain the buzz of the film among the fans, the makers are now adding 20 minutes of new footage to 'Pushpa 2' on the big screen. In this, Pushparaj and SP Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat will be seen doing dangerous and shocking stunts which is in the news. 'Pushpa 2: The Rule' is the sequel to the film 'Pushpa: The Rise'. It is a story revolving around the life of Pushpa and Srivalli, presented by Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna. The film also stars Fahadh Faasil, Sunil, Jagdish Pratap Bandari, Dhananjay, Rao Ramesh and Anasuya Bhardwaj.
Allu Arjun's new blast before Pushpa 3
'Pushpa 2' showcased the love story of Pushparaj and Srivalli and their love for their family. The film revolves around Pushpa's determination to do anything for his wife. The most talked about film of this film directed by Sukumar was the famous Jatara sequence, in which Allu Arjun was seen in a woman's get-up. At the end of 'Pushpa 2: The Rule', the third part 'Pushpa 3: The Rampage' was announced with suspense.
Image Credit: India_Tv.