Indian team's star cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal is going to be seen in Bigg Boss along with his friends Shreyas Iyer and Shashank Singh. On Sunday, on the second day of Weekend War, Yuzvendra Singh will share the stage with Salman Khan here. Not only this, Yuzvendra Chahal will also play cricket inside the house of Bigg Boss-18. Here even Bigg Boss contestants get shocked after seeing Chahal's sixes. Its promo was shown along with yesterday's episode. In the promo, Yuzvendra Chahal is seen hitting sixes inside the house of Bigg Boss-18. Its episode will be premiered today on Sunday.
Chahal will have a blast in Bigg Boss
Yuzvendra Chahal will talk on stage with Salman Khan in Weekend War here. After this, a cricket match will also be played with the contestants inside the Bigg Boss house. In this match, Chahal is going to be seen hitting a lot of sixes. The channel had shown a glimpse of this in the promo. Now you can watch this episode today at 9.30 pm on Jio Cinema. Saturday was the first day of the weekend war. Now Bigg Boss has reached its final stage. The name of the winner of this reality show will be announced in just 1 week. Now only 7 contestants are left in the house. Now it has to be seen in whose name this trophy will be decorated.
Salman Khan showed the contestants the path to the final
On Saturday, Salman Khan himself came on stage to host Bigg Boss. Like every time, this time too Salman Khan talked to the contestants of the house. Also gave advice to the contestants regarding old issues. Salman Khan also called his old friend Raveena Tandon on the sets of Bigg Boss. Along with this, Ajay Devgan's nephew Aman Devgan also reached here along with Raveena Tandon's daughter Rasha Thadani. Both of them promoted their film Azad. On this occasion, Salman Khan also refreshed his memories by looking at his old pictures with Raveena Tandon.
Image Credit: India_Tv.