After 10 years, Karthik Aryan has finally got an engineering degree. The actor himself has shared this good news with his fans. Bollywood's charming star Kartik during his college convocation at his alma mater D.Y. Patil also visited the university, where he told that he got his engineering degree after ten years. He has shared a video, in which some special moments of his college were also seen. The 'Aashiqui 3' actor was seen chatting with his teacher, dancing with students and meeting many of his fans.
Karthik Aryan got engineering degree
Kartik Aryan's D.Y. He was given a warm welcome at Patil University, where students and teachers hosted a special event for him. While talking to the students in the auditorium, he told that their teacher is sitting in front of them today. Then he shook hands with them and talked to them. After this, Karthik was given a customized college jersey jacket with his name written on it. Wearing a jacket, he was seen entering the college auditorium and also danced with the students. He was seen dancing to the tunes of the title track of 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3'. In the video, Karthik Aryan says, 'I am very happy to be here.'
Karthik Aryan became emotional
In his video caption, Karthik wrote, 'From sitting on the backbench to standing on the stage for my convocation, it has been a wonderful journey D.Y. Patil University, you gave me memories, dreams and now, finally, my degree. Thank you, Vijay Patil sir, my best teacher… it feels like coming home! Seeing so much love for himself, Karthik Aryan looked quite emotional in the video.
Karthik Aryan will make a splash with these films
When Kartik Aryan was doing engineering, he made his Bollywood debut with the 2011 film 'Pyaar Ka Punchnama'. Talking about Kartik's upcoming films, he is preparing for the release of 'Tu Meri Main Tera, Main Tera Tu Meri'. Apart from this, Karthik will do 'Aashiqui 3' with filmmaker Anurag Basu.
Image Credit: India_Tv.