Xiaomi Pad 7 has been launched in India. The mid-budget tablet of the Chinese brand is equipped with many amazing features. Xiaomi has upgraded the tablet Pad 6 launched last year. Stylus and Keyboard Folio have also been launched with this tablet. This tablet of Xiaomi works on the latest HyperOS. This tablet can be purchased in the Republic Day sale starting from January 13.
Xiaomi Pad 7 price
This Xiaomi tablet comes in three storage variants – 8GB RAM + 128GB, 8GB RAM + 256GB and 12GB RAM + 256GB. The price of its base variant is Rs 26,999. Whereas, its other two variants are Rs 29,999 and Rs 31,999 respectively. This tablet can be purchased from the e-commerce website Amazon as well as the company's official store. An instant bank discount of Rs 1,000 will be available on the purchase of the tablet.
Features of Xiaomi Pad 7
Xiaomi Pad 7 has an 11.2 inch LCD display. The display of this tablet supports 3K resolution and 144Hz refresh rate. Additionally, HDR10 and Dolby Vision are also supported in this tablet. The peak brightness of its display is up to 800 nits.
This tablet works on Qualcomm Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 processor. It has support up to 12GB RAM and up to 256GB internal storage. It works on HyperOS 2 based on Android 15.
Pad 7 has a powerful battery of 8,850mAh. To charge it, it will support 45W USB Type C wired charging feature. There is a 13MP camera in the back of this tablet, along with which an 8MP selfie camera will be available.
Xiaomi has introduced Focus Keyboard with this tablet, which is priced at Rs 4,999. This keyboard is provided with a touchpad so that it can be navigated easily. Not only this, Focus Pen has also been launched along with it, which is priced at Rs 5,999.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.