The condition of Gurcharan Singh, who is famous in every household for his character Sodhi in 'Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah', is very critical. The actor is admitted in the hospital. On Tuesday, the actor shared a video from the hospital bed to inform his fans that his health had deteriorated. Seeing his condition, his fans became very upset and started worrying as to what happened to him. Fans also wished for his speedy recovery. Now Gurucharan Singh's close friend Soni has shared an update on his condition and said that his health is not well and has worsened more than before.
not eating food
The condition of Gurucharan Singh alias Sodhi of the very popular show 'Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah' is very bad. Simply put, his condition is indeed very serious. This was revealed by her friend Soni in an interview given on The Vicky Lalwani Show. Soni told that she has lost mental peace. He told that the condition of Gurucharan's mother is bad. He also told that Gurucharan has stopped eating and drinking for 19 days. Expressing concern, he said that the family members had switched off their phones since last night. He has not been in contact with them for two days, hence his worries have increased further. Also, Soni told that earlier she was associated with her mother and used to ask her about her health.
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Treatment going on in government hospital
Soni told that first when his health deteriorated, he was taken to the hospital and then he came home, but after coming home, his health deteriorated again and he had to be taken to the hospital again. The actor's treatment is continuing in the government hospital. Gurucharan Singh's financial condition is not good. The actor himself had revealed a few days ago that he was looking for work and also had a lot of debt.
father's condition had worsened
Let us tell you, in the month of December itself, the actor had posted a video of his father, in which he was seen lying on the hospital bed and he was being given blood transfusion. The actor had told that his father's condition is critical. He wrote in the caption, 'Please pray for dad. 5.6 Hemoglobin- again reduced to this level. Minimum should be 13 to 17. We are in Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital in Delhi. Thank you Dr. Sameer Kapoor and the entire team, Waheguru ji, thanks and blessings to all, Raja, best friend, thank you. Now after a few days the actor himself has fallen ill.
Image Credit: India_Tv.