Kannada actor Yash, who gained recognition across the country by doing explosive action in KGF, has turned 39 today. Yash started his career in 2008. Yash, who had been making his mark in the South Industry for many years, made a big splash across India with KGF. Now Yash has become a pan India star. But very few people know Yash's real name. Yash's real name is 'Naveen Kumar Gowda'. Yash was born on this day in 1986 in an ordinary family. But his passion for films since childhood attracted him towards cinema. Yash started his career in the year 2008 with the film 'Rocky'. Although Yash did not get stardom from the first film itself.
This film gave recognition
After the film Rocky, people liked Yash and he started getting films. After this worked in Kannada films. After Rocky, he continued working in films like Gokula, Kallare Santhe, Tamasu, Modalassa, Rajdhani, Kirathaka and Lucky. Some of these continued to earn well at the box office. But Yash got recognition from the film 'Googly' released in the year 2013. This film made him a star. After this film, Yash started being counted among the top actors. After this Yash never looked back. Yash got a lot of work after this film and became a star of the Kannada industry.
KGF made national star
Yash has worked in more than 21 films in his career. But an action film released in 2018 turned Yash's life upside down. The name of this film was 'KGF'. When this film was released, the craze for this film was seen in North as well as South. This film of Yash not only performed well but also did well at the box office. After the first part of this film became a superhit, the next part came in 2022 and made a splash in terms of earnings.
Image Credit: India_Tv.