Samsung is once again going to make a big splash in the camera segment. The South Korean company has already launched phones with 200MP camera in the market. Now the company is working on a Galaxy smartphone with 500MP camera. According to the report, this 500MP sensor can be given in Samsung Galaxy S26 Ultra to be launched next year. The Galaxy S25 Ultra to be launched this year will have only a 200MP camera. This phone of the company can hit the global market on January 22.
Working on 500MP camera
Tipster Jukanlosreve has shared details about Samsung's 500MP camera sensor in his X post. According to the leaked report, this 500MP camera sensor can be given in Samsung's Galaxy device. Also, the South Korean company is working on a three-layer image stacked sensor. This camera sensor will be advanced from Sony's Exmor RS image sensor.
The tipster has claimed that this triple layer stack sensor will work like Apple's PD-TR logic configuration. Apple can use this advanced camera sensor in the iPhone 18 series to be launched in 2026. This will be Apple's first iPhone for which Samsung camera sensor will be used. Sony's camera sensor is used in the Apple iPhone launched at this time. CMOS Image Sensor i.e. CIS is used in iPhone. Samsung's three-layer stacked image sensor will be more advanced than this.
Samsung camera in iPhone 18
In July last year, Apple analyst Ming-Chi-Kuo claimed that Apple would replace Sony's camera sensors with Samsung's for future iPhone models. This change can be seen in the iPhone 18 series to be launched in 2026. Samsung's 48MP camera sensor can be found in iPhone 18 to be launched in 2026. At the same time, Samsung can use 500MP camera sensor in its flagship Galaxy S series smartphones.
Information – Google is going to change its policy from January 15, will provide relief from financial scams
Image Credit: India_Tv.