'Pushpa-2', which won the title of the highest-grossing film of 2024 last year, has earned Rs 1184 crore so far. This collection is made only in India. The worldwide collection of Pushpa-2 has crossed Rs 1742 crore. Pushpa 2 came at the end of the year and beat all the other films and became the highest grossing film. Many powerful films are going to be released in 2025 to break the box office records of 'Pushpa-2'. But among these, two films are considered to be the biggest contenders to break this record. Both these films are going to be Ranbir Kapoor starrer. Fans even claimed that Ranbir Kapoor's films 'Ramayan' and 'Animal Park' can break the record of Pushpa-2 with their box office earnings.
Pushpa 2's collection crosses Rs 1700 crore
Let us tell you that Pushpa-2 has collected ₹ 725.8 crore in its first week, ₹ 264.8 crore in the second week and ₹ 129.5 crore in the third week. The film collected ₹8.75 crore on 4th Friday, ₹12.5 crore on 4th Saturday, ₹15.65 crore on 4th Sunday, ₹6.8 crore on 4th Monday, ₹7.7 crore on 4th Tuesday and approximately ₹13.15 crore. With this, the film's Indian box office collection till January 1 reached ₹1,184.65 crore. Of this, the Hindi version of Pushpa 2 earned ₹774.65 crore while its Telugu version earned ₹330.53 crore. The Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada versions of the film collected ₹57.65 crore, ₹14.14 crore and ₹7.68 crore respectively. Talking about the worldwide earning of Pushpa-2, till now the figure has reached Rs 1742 crore.
Can these films of Ranbir Kapoor break records?
Let us tell you that Ranbir Kapoor has two big films in the pipeline in 2025. One of these is director Nitish Tiwari's film 'Ramayana'. This film starring Ranbir Kapoor and Sai Pallavi is going to be made in 2 parts. It is being told that a part of it may be released in this year 2025. This film is going to be made on the story of Ramayana. Fans believe that if this film is made well then the record of Pushpa 2 can be broken at the box office. Ranbir Kapoor's another film 'Animal Park' is also in discussion. Earlier, Ranbir Kapoor had created a lot of buzz in the film 'Animal' and took the box office by storm. Now it is believed that this Animal Park is also going to be released in 2025. This film can also break the record of Pushpa-2.
Image Credit: India_Tv.